Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Twitter's Stupid...Blah, Blah, Blah

Twitter is so interesting! It baffles me why anyone (including me) wants to sit around and post frivolous things about their lives on this website. It is actually very pointless, but there is a reason behind "tweeting".

Although this action rarely provides any crucial information, it seems important to us, since we know the people we are stalking on twitter (most of the time). Humans are curious creatures aka we enjoy to know what our friends - or even our not so much friends - are doing at all times. This inner curiosity comes out on twitter and Facebook and just about every other social networking site there is. When Sally posts "Going to breakfast with @dantheman can't wait to get pancakes!" we don't actually care that sally is going to ingest pancakes, but maybe we do care that @dantheman is our ex boyfriend and he is now hanging out with Sally, which is just not ok. All of these connections and associations are what make us interested. We like to see who's interacting with who, and whether they are doing anything cool. This also makes sense as to why those who use social networking sites are more prone to depression because when we see everyone twitpicing and instagramming photos of their crazy parties and get togethers you may feel a bit left out if you're the one sitting on the couch watching back to back seasons of How I Met Your Mother.

So next time you ask "why would you have a twitter? Those are so pointless." You are in fact right, they are pointless but you cannot say that you don't actually understand why people interact on social networking sites as Twitter. People like other people. They also like to know every insignificant action that they are currently engaged in as well.

Not only is it used for the follies of life, but for humor, which everyone should love!

1 comment:

  1. lol this is mad true... facebook, instagram, and twitter are basically popularity contests... btw, HIMYM is the shit
