Saturday, November 17, 2012


Sleep (zZzZz) has taken on a whole new meaning since I've come to college.

I want it all the time, and I find myself engaging in it without realizing quite often.

In high school I always found myself worrying and worrying about my lack of sleep before I had to wake up at 7am the next morning. This was a constant struggle between AP classes, sports, and clubs. Now, I actually find is much easier to find time to nap and sleep all my problems away :D. Of course, I go to bed much later now because my earliest class is 9am, but overall I tend to sleep a lot more during the day now, than I did before.

Although I can sleep more, I don't necessarily sleep as well. I find that during the day I sleep much better than the night. My only explanation can be that I am used to being awake during the night and this habit has caught up with my sleeping schedule. I try a tremendous amount to go to bed early but I can never seem to reach stage 4. It's strange because during the day I have the BEST naps. My dreams are great and I fall asleep extremely quickly. Whenever I try to replicate these naps when it is bed time, I can't. Instead I toss and turn and sit there wondering what is life because I am so frustrated I can't get to sleep. I actually turn to counting sheep a lot......when I'm feeling extra hopeless.

I sit there, angry I cannot fall asleep on demand.....and then I wake up and its morning.


  1. I feel the same way! I am always extremely tired during the day and can take great naps, but when it comes time to go to sleep at night I never get a good nights sleep! College has made me a lot more tired!

  2. I definitely agree with you wears you out! I find myself always tired and yawning even when I'm not tired. It's a weird thing to get used to. I guess it's because we are on such strange sleeping patterns because of work and all but you guys are lucky you can take solid naps! I can never fall asleep during the day for some reason and then at night I'm also counting sheep, but most of the time I'm too tired to even count. But eventually, we all get our sleep, some more than others and some just become nocturnal in college but it all works out! Hopefully next semester we will have a set sleeping schedule..

  3. I've always liked taking naps- even in high school- but I find myself sleeping during the day a ridiculous amount in college. And then of course I have trouble falling asleep at night! My sleep schedule is definitely off even though I get more sleep during the night than I did during high school.

  4. Everyone sleep everywhere all the time in college. People just casually take naps and its cool because everyone is tired so no one judges others for being asleep. And you probably have trouble sleeping at night because of your naps during the day... less naps = better sleep at night, but sleeping at night is for high schoolers. the cool college thing is to sleep during the day.

  5. Your reference to stage 4 was pretty lame, Kate.
