Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Everything Stop.

I actually live for free time. 

Free time is one enormous part of my life that I work for and think about all the time in college. I am a fairly anxious person when it comes to schoolwork and other necessary chores of life I need to finish. I always seem to have something that I need to do, and I am always waiting for that moment when I can just relax and watch a movie. Of course these times do present themselves sometimes, but then I often spend 2 hours looking for what I should do in this free time rather than actually doing something worthwhile. It's like how I spend the length of the actual movie trying to figure out which one I should watch. I've tried to improve this though, and now I just force myself to watch he first one that looks interesting. To me, the feeling of having nothing to do and no obligations for a little bit is one of the best. If you can truly sit down and relax without a worry in the world then you can truly enjoy yourself. This is why society has confused me ever since I started high school. Of course you will always find some of this time here and there, but there are the kids who work so hard in school that they have little to no social life, and no stress relief it seems. I never understood why school always seemed to be designed to delete all free time that we have. Of course, not all courses and teachers are like this, but often times (in some of my classes now) students are assigned work that seems perfectly unnecessary. I think that we should only put time and effort into the things that will really help us succeed in the classroom and maybe even life.

Everything seems like a long chain of work to me. It's not that I am opposed to working hard, because I have done a lot of that in my life, but it just seems odd that you work hard in high school only to work harder in college, only to work harder as the CEO of a company/lawyer/doctor. WHEN DO WE EVER GET TO RELAX? Oh well, I hope that eventually everything will work out and that one day children will be spared the busy work that is assigned oh so much in high school.

But on another note, what I actually like to do in my free time is watch movies, listen to music, sleep, think, and play the piano. I usually watch movies, because I hope to one day somehow work in the film industry one way or another. I recently watched a movie called I am Love. It was beautifully made and Tilda Swinton is a wonderful person.

Well that's all for this very jumpy and off topic blog post!


  1. I completely agree about when do we ever get to relax? I feel like I'm always working on something and when I do have time to relax, I'm not actually relaxed. Hopefully the work slows down, but for the next 4 years of college I guess I'll have to manage with little free time.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post. Not only was your writing style so flowy (don't think that's a word) but I think that the fact that you broadened your topic and included the meaning of free time really made this post stand out. I completely agree with everything you say here. We really do get meaningless busy work all the time just for teachers to say that they're giving their students work and that they are "learning." I wish there was a way for high school, and now college, to just cut out the busy work and make us do stuff we will actually benefit from. And to the whole free time thing, I also very rarely have any and when I do, I often spend it thinking of things I should be doing. So yeah, I'm the same way but that's awesome about your interest in the film industry!
