Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election Day!

Just voted guys <3 Im so grown up :)))


If mitt romney doesn't win this election I'm moving to canada/venezuela/belize

Barack and Michelle are soOoOo cute

If you were plugged in to social networking of some sort on election day this is most likely what you saw. "Adults", freshly turned 18, were all over the inter web on this memorable day, and they did not let you forget it. 

Everywhere I went I was bombarded with "vote Obama", "vote Romney", "vote Chuck Norris". I expected this but what got to me was the sudden interest in our countries election process and political system. I really did not understand why everyone suddenly decided that this one time they should participate in bashing their opposers without ever bothering to take the time to learn anything about politics in the first place. I understand the allure of being a part of something so patriotic and happening as the US presidential election, but lets leave the Facebook posts to friendly observations on your first voting experience. 

Now that my rant is over, I will say that election day was very interesting indeed. There was a lot going on, because everyone was so involved! I liked how busy it was and how we were all sitting around in different places, but essentially doing the same thing. As I sat watching the election happen I was excited to see what was in store. Of course we all have preference and that is very important, but in the end we should be able to accept what our country is or work to change it for the better. 

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