Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Revision Process: The Ups and the Downs

What do you like best about what happened in your revision?

My favorite part of revising is when I restructure a paragraph or even sentence, and when I read it over I understand it very clearly. There are just some sentences that I revise and when I go back and check my work, they sound beautiful. This is what motivates me to keep revising (often a tedious task for me) because my ultimate goal is to make the whole essay sound this appealing.

What was most frustrating during your revising?

Revising is generally frustrating to me most of the time when I am not writing about a topic I am particularly interested in; this goes for most people. I find it hard to read over a piece of writing that I don't find all that riveting over and over again. I often lose my place and forget what I was revising for, and end up just reading words with no meaning. In the end, I have to read my paper over again which just makes it even more arduous. I always get through it though, and I'm very glad I do because it is a very important part of the revising process.

What helped you most during your revision? What step was most useful?

I think the peer reviewing actually helps a lot. It is one thing to read over your paper yourself and give your own feedback to yourself, but it's crucial to get another opinion from your audience. Someone who can understand what the assignment is yet has a different perspective. It's beneficial because maybe they'll understand the prompt better than you and they can then explain what needs to be done in order to fulfill the criteria. They can also add a better creative spin to your writing. Multiple perspectives are important and can only improve your writing!

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